May 31, 2010


This is a graduation picture. Two seniors from Salem Academy who are setting off and away from Winston-Salem, high school, and the known present.

May 19, 2010

It Ain't Right

There's something going wrong.
This is - I realize after today's shoot - exactly what it looks like when beginning a new project. Good ideas, just not in the right place yet, not solid, not clear.
Water on the table?
You're not supposed to do it that way.
Silly, silly girl.

May 16, 2010

Expecting in June Landscape

A pregnant woman needs to lay down from time to time, and always it is on the back.

Expecting in June

This is Emily, a gift who arrived this weekend. Emily is expecting her first baby in June. He will be a boy to be named Houston and called Hugh, and she wanted to have some pictures of this portentous time.

She's going somewhere big - getting big - but not quite there yet.

Emily really opened up to the many looks of pregnancy and the expectancy it carries.. She was game for anything, for whatever. She had some ideas of her own, the wooden blocks H S R that spell out the baby's initials. I had some too.

We collaborated in many ways throughout our Saturday morning session. And, throughout, she revealed the internal, the external, the silly and the seance that seems to happen between the belly and the being who is growing inside it

You will see some more of these.

For now, I'm signing off with a big thank you to Emily for coming over and sharing the ride.

May 3, 2010


The minimal bike took my breath away. That powder pink also drew me in. Saturday I had a fun day wandering with my photographer friend Holly. Springtime beauty was everywhere. Not much more to say than that.