August 30, 2011

Two for Tuesday

Oystercatchers are birds with great legs and such nicely matched beaks and eyeliner. Talk about coordinated pairings. They seem to understand the power of accent colors when putting together an outfit.

The whole time I watched this twosome, they never strayed more than two inches from each other. Living by the vast ocean, it's got to feel less daunting to think you've got a buddy by your side.

August 29, 2011

Read, Aim, Shoot

Excited to begin the shooting - that act can energize any plot line.

Not sure what look I'm going for exactly, but the experimenting is going to be an all options on the table affair. I'm planning to make a mess.

August 27, 2011

Summer Frig

Maybe I was hungry, but when I opened the frig the other day it made me so happy to see the contents. Summer is the best eating season and it seemed to appear on every shelf. Tomatoes, peaches, grapes, squash. I also love the beverages here - a full container of milk, a six pack, seltzer, tonic, lots of juices.

I always love the frig shots in movies, especially when they shoot the person looking in. I don't have the fancy equipment for such things, but imagine a cheerful face on the other side, studying what to pull out, having a tough time deciding with so many great options.

August 23, 2011

Two for Tuesday

It's late August and back to school fever is in the air. The yellow buses are rumbling on the roads and students are settling into their brand new year, including my daughter who begins her doctoral program today. (Good luck, Missy Miss!)

This handsome twosome pictured here is from Bali. Each morning during my short visit there last spring, I'd walk three buildings down from my hotel to the local elementary school. I loved watching the comings and goings of parents and children during morning drop off. It was an unrehearsed ritual of the everyday - not your typical tourist show and tell.

The red school uniforms are jazzier than the drab American equivalent of khaki pants and polo shirts. But that sharing between friends - it looks the same, the same as anywhere. It's a recognizable moment shared across the globe.

Look, look at what I hold in my hand. Check this thing out.

August 21, 2011

Streaky Skies

Pin stripes at a diagonal appeared late in the afternoon when most people had headed back home. So glad I stayed. I remember learning in documentary photography classes that many good photographs appear when the event is (supposedly) over. To linger can bring dividends.

Horizon with Umbrella

The sky put on a pretty great panoramic show this week at the beach.

Think I'll post another streaky number that appeared like a welcomed ghost on the final day.

August 13, 2011

Working Will

I am such a bad mother. Really, really bad.

I only just now - in the dead center of August - found the photographs of my son's college graduation. Technical difficulties did mingle with maternal neglect. But, still, that's two months, that's a lot of time and space, y'all.

Anyway, here's the white haired gent who sat a few rows in front of me and my proud little family. Our seats had no view of the ceremony. We couldn't see a speaker or student or balloon. Watching the ceremony on line would have felt more immediate.

I trained my attention on the man dressed as a quintessential New England prep, practical shoes and all. But why him? Because that document, that paper resting on his lap, is his will.

Watching a man revise his will is a quiet but riveting act of theater.

His will looked to be a dozen pages, stapled and legal-sized. I loved when he'd pause. See the way he holds his pen with two hands, twirling the pen cap. He'd scan the crowd, and then, eventually, scribble words onto the will's margins. He made it look as natural as working a crossword.

It struck me as synchronicity. The documentation of endings.
The diploma. The will.
Both symbols of moving into the unknown. Prepared and yet clueless about what will happen next.

August 11, 2011

Closed Shades

Light and shadow all mixed up inside the house lately.
Found this mid-morning.

August 9, 2011

Two for Tuesday

It's not the perfect photo, but I can't resist these two boys talking on a park bench after their swim. The one on the right with his swinging legs always draws me into this sweet moment.

As a child, my friendships divided into school friends and summer friends. With my summer friends, there was plenty of ocean swimming.

Looking at this twosome I can practically feel the salt on their skin and the way their stiff hair clumps together in pieces.

August 8, 2011

Friday Hop

Let's talk about being in a good mood. I mean, seriously. Can we?

It was Friday night downtown Winston, and the hop was an especially hoppy brew - tomatoes, and black theatre festivities, open galleries and who knows what all. The joint was jumping, to quote a phrase.

When I saw this lady walking down Trade Street, dressed up and looking ready to play, I jumped from my seat. She was unmistakable, unmissable fun. I really needed a closer look. To smell the vibe of such obvious happiness.

Thanks, Mizz J.

August 3, 2011

A Private Place

Q: What is the biggest life lesson you've learned?

A: Affirmation comes from a private place.

Thanks to photographer, Gary Schneider, for such a great answer.

August 2, 2011

Two for Tuesdays

The sloping, warping wave of those aluminum seats seems like worn skin and those arm rests look animated, like arms themselves. There's something curiously anthropomorphic in this twosome.

Without any people sitting with their bums down and backs leaning, I can hear a conversation, a familiar back and forth that's been going on for years.

You hear from Catherine lately?
Nah, she's still mad about the shower.
I know. Ridiculous to hold grudges over nothing.

I made this photograph during a day spent wandering the streets of Seattle. Wished I had a friend to join me for a sit down on this inviting pair of very red red chairs.

August 1, 2011

My Dad Loves Degas

Couldn't wait another day before posting this pearly moment. Sometimes things are better than you even imagine. This here is a case in point.

I'd hoped for that weird focus and buzz.
I knew beauty stared directly into my eyes.
I hadn't known that the magic would show up too.

Always glad when that happens, and grateful.