When you live on a street called Lookout Circle, shape truly is part of the location.
Living on a circle with its gentle curves and soft suburban edges framed my early viewpoint.
Our house stood three stories high at the top of the hill that rolled up and down this circular street. We were perched in such a way that the curve of land with its band of houses stretched nearly equally left and right. Surely the idea of a center also figured into my visual upbringing.
If my childhood horizon- tree-lined and spotted with Con Ed electrical hardware, was a lens, it would have to be a fisheye lens, arched and slightly warped, with just a hint of weirdness.
But, enough about my childhood.
In this image, the lookout appears to be the person in the corner, the one on the left looking out across a frame.
Love this image! You should scan a photo of lookout circle and post it, especially since I've only been there once.