July 9, 2011

Trashy Truths

I enjoyed some summertime wandering at home the other night around 6 . Took the bus downtown. That was a first.

This image comes from one of my favorite buildings which has countless rooms that contain history, possibilities, and are rough around the edges. It's a monument to glamor in decline. I love this building the way people love their pets.

But there's a piece of trash - look - it's just to the left of mid-frame. I couldn't remove the paper or tape or whatever it was. There was a wide gulf of space separating the window from the sidewalk, and from me.

Somehow I don't want to change it with Photoshop either. I don't always like the poof and it's gone factor.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you about the photoshop thing. The transitory nature of things is sometimes the beauty.
    I want to talk with you about the city bus.
