January 30, 2012

Two for Tuesday: Rays of Light

Sometimes synchronicity shows up to offset life's randomness and this twosome proves that point.

If you're obsessed with Man Ray's avant-garde photographs, you know this fanciful twosome, a pair that showed up during his heyday in Paris.  I'm not exactly sure what they are; the pair seems to suggest music, a sort of clef note. The sort of surreality Man Ray created and documented.

Well, jump ahead about 70 years. Last summer I began working with a wonderful model who, guess what, had that image tattooed on her back. As an artist and a musician herself, she wanted that twinned shape lining her spine from the moment she, at the age of 16, saw Man Ray's photograph. No wonder we worked so well together. Our collaboration felt meant to be.

Jump ahead to this weekend. My playful friend Jill came to visit just when I really needed her, and we are also bonded by that Man Ray love; in fact, we created nicknames for ourselves after seeing a mind-blowing Man Ray exhibit in Chicago. I'm known as Doe Ray; Jill prefers to keep her nickname secret, but I can tell you it also ends with Ray.

On a good creative day, we channel his fumes, and on the days when the muse is hiding, we look for signs.


  1. I too take great inspiration from the creative spirit of Man Ray. Same tattoo, what a find. The muse is calling.

  2. It's nice when we really can see it, you know!

  3. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://nearlydeaf.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/fholes.jpg&imgrefurl=http://nearlydeaf.com/%3Fp%3D483&h=450&w=645&sz=39&tbnid=3gxueHmLDqXGWM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=129&prev=/search%3Fq%3Df-holes%2Bviolin%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=f-holes+violin&docid=x2zxx-yNNg_tKM&sa=X&ei=VMIzT6uxPMKhtweM0OXUAg&ved=0CDUQ9QEwAg&dur=1497
