April 10, 2012

Two for Tuesday: Turned Off

Came across this old fashioned hardware Easter Sunday when I pulled off Route 54 in Alamance County to visit an abandoned house. What drew me in first was the color combo. Just loved the olive green with the rust and then I became excited by how the doubled OFF switches made such a strong statement of abandonment. Lined up darkness.

And yet, I don't know why, I find this twosome so graphically pretty and warm it doesn't appear at all sad. Maybe it's because of the way the two screws tilt up toward the right like synchronized winks. Whatever the reasons, there's an Aaron Siskind kind of beauty in this found, manmade object.

Here's what the great photo writer and critic John Szarkowski once said about Siskind:  "...he made pictures of great visual beauty, almost (but not quite) free of the tugging presence of the mundane world."

1 comment:

  1. Only a true artist can find the beauty of an olive green light switch. Everyday objects make the best works of art when seen in a different light.
