March 20, 2012

Two for Tuesday: Braids

Here's a twosome that took my breath away. The man here, an electrician named John, came to work at my brother's office one afternoon when I happen to be visiting too. I saw those two thick braids running down his strong back and got my nerve up to make the ask.

I mean, seriously, how could I let my diffidence block me from capturing the twin streams of luscious black hair. A man with this hairstyle was a rare and beautiful thing. I love how each braid ends with two rubberbands perfectly aligned and the way the bottom tassels sweep out to the side.

Well, John said sure, I could take a picture, no problem. His girlfriend, it turns out, loves his hair and sometimes makes many more braids for him on the weekends.

Sometimes he thinks about cutting his hair short. Long hair is heavy, and there's upkeep.  But we both smiled knowing as long as the girlfriend was involved, his locks were not getting anything but a trim and a lot of attention.


  1. This just made my day. So glad you got up the nerve to talk to him - wonderful photo and love the framing!
