May 29, 2012

Two for Tuesday: Gerber Eyes

Two for Tuesday, times 2. I just can't decide between color or black and white, but I'm leaning toward the black and white.

Thanks to Kiki for coming into town and for being up for a little reshoot of this floral arrangement. We first made this image (and came close to getting it right) one hot day last summer...or maybe the summer before. Honestly, I can't keep track of time that well anymore. I live in the realm I call the three-plus years. Whenever I want to say something happened two years ago or five or ten, I always add three more years, knowing that my inner calculator is a wonky worn-out contraption prone to underestimating.

What I like about this twosome is that one Gerber daisy fraying at the bottom of the right eye. The imperfection adds interest and texture. Wish I could feel that way about my own imperfections. Imagine how it would feel if they were seen as a lovely and inevitable disturbance, an interesting part of being human.


  1. Color is now my vote, too. The little feet on the flawed flower seem to be dancing a little crossed legged ditty, something lost in the b/w.

  2. love this! i'm also a fan of the color version.

  3. I assumed that i was going to like the B&W better, in part because I'm partially color-blind, but the longer I look at them, the more I prefer the color. Great work and nice interview in "Relish."

  4. Thanks, Joe, and Marissa. Being such a die hard black and white photog for nearly a decade, I'm afraid to admit that color is just perfect at times.

  5. I am going with the B&W shot. It just seems more soothing.
