September 4, 2012

Two for Tuesdays: Hidden Message

Not every twosome is an ahh shucks moment. Take this nasty pair of half naked blondes I saw while walking past a department store window. Sexy angry times two. They stopped me cold.

It's hard to say what struck me first - was it those lips held back by the bottom row of teeth that seemed to come with their own growl? Or was it the dastardly long bangs, muscular backs, and f-you fingers barely hidden behind the sequined blazer? Every exaggerated detail works so well together, proving that suggestion more often than not trumps truth.

Some days letting the jacket of good behavior peel back to make way for the hidden impulse to flip the bird and express the sizzling rage of defiance has its appeal.

But you gotta wonder...would anyone actually buy the tee-shirt?

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